Most people reading the heading of this article may ask the question, how much can be accomplished in a single weekend? That will depend on the skills level of the Muay Thai student. A newcomer to Muay Thai will never be able to keep up with professionals who have been training for years. Even so newcomers to Muay Thai can benefit from a weekend in Thailand. When motivated and teachable, people can accomplish a lot in the space of two short days. Many students have discovered this exciting reality for themselves over the last couple of decades. There are a long list of Muay Thai training camps in Thailand that are catering specifically to foreigners and in particular to those who are only in the country for short periods of time.
Thousands of people annually spend their holidays on the islands and beaches surrounding Thailand and most of that time is used for Muay Thai training. Holiday with Muay Thai is good health sport program.

A family affair
A Muay Thai vacation is something which can be enjoyed by the entire family and all of them can benefit from the fitness and weight loss benefits of Muay Thai. This is one of the very best full body workout routines on the planet. A thousand calories can be burned in a single hour of training and therefore it should not surprise anyone that Muay Thai students have perfectly sculpted bodies. The running, pad work, rope jumping, shadow boxing and bag work exercises can work their magic in an amazingly short period of time. People get seriously fit with Muay Thai training and they also live healthier lives. Those who have been involved in Muay Thai for years will tell you that Muay Thai is a lifelong journey. You don’t know how long that journey will be but you have to keep on going because you know that is the best possible option which you have.
A life of dedication
You have to give it your all and have to remain committed because that’s the only way to fully enjoy all of the extraordinary benefits which Muay Thai can offer. People who are passionate about Muay Thai are training twice a day for two hours or more. This is because even though Muay Thai can appear deceptively simple to the casual observer in reality there are a long list of very precise techniques which has to be mastered if a person wants to make progress with their training. So once again is their sufficient time in a single weekend to make progress with your Muay Thai training? The answer is absolutely. You maybe a serious Muay Thai student living somewhere in Europe who are studying under a passionate coach and he or she maybe extremely good. However the vast majority of Muay Thai students are in agreement that the best training camps are still those in Thailand. Muay Thai in any other country is just another form of martial arts, but in Thailand it is a way of life. You can be accomplished in a weekend with us for Muay Thai program.